I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Cameron Diaz on the Beach

It’s summer, and with summer comes summer vacation and for celebities, that means trips to beaches. With the beach comes bikinis and with celebrity comes paparazzi, and combined comes pictures of celebrities on beaches in Bikinis. Here are a few pictures of Cameron Diaz, I don’t know what the fuck is on her ass, I think it’s causes by Justin Timberlake’s roughneck ways, upon fucking her, he realizes that he could be fucking ever 18 year old out there, and with his fits of rage comes fits of fury and he spanks the shit out of Diaz for ruining his youth. I could be completely wrong, but I remember knowing a guy who had a girlfriend for 10 years, she dumped him, he was 30 and he realized that he was monogamous for so long, and he passed up so much pussy, and he was now all alone crushed and battered. This may happen to JT, but it didn’t happen to me, I just slept with whore after whore after whore. Take my word for it, dump your girlfriends now, because all relationships will end horribly.

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