I'll Make You Famous…




I am – stepSTEVE is Now Stephen James and is in a Band of the Day


Do you remember stepSTEVE. He lived on my couch and starred in such stepTV classics as “Steve Does a Body Shot Like a Girl”, “Steve Takes a Shit of the Day” (youtube pulled that one), “Rapping for Mayor”, “Jersey Girls are Trash”, “Homeless Man in Bank” and the “Guy Pees on Buckcherry Tour Bus While Girl Rubs her Tits Up on It” that is yet to be released, because stepSTEVE is too busy getting drunk and famous to edit video for me….Since he’s left my couch he’s stopped the stepUPDATE emails, dropped the step from his name and has moved on to bigger and better things, leaving me and my dream behind and running after his own. He joined a band, but not any band…a band that is pretty much already signed.

When asked how the hell a guy who never played an instrument landed a gig in a band that is going to get signed, Steve said:

They thought i looked good, i said i could learn…

So he’s no longer stepSTEVE, he’s now going by the name Stephen James and based on this statement, I think it’s safe to say that the other guys in the band may have a little more in mind for Stephen James than his stage presence, if you know what I mean.

I’d like you all to wish Stephen James luck in his future endeavor and when he does become famous, let’s hope he remembers who gave him a couch to sleep on….

Check out their Myspace. Their is a song on it. Add them as a Friend

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