I'll Make You Famous…




I am – A Very Lohan New Years of the Day


Lohan is dating a black person, which sucks because if I ever get to hang out with her, I won’t be able to make the table laugh for lack of material. I already went through this in my last post, but I’ve never promised you original content, I am all for recycling except when it comes to in the home, because I spent enough time as a janitor to know that I will never stick my hand in the garbage again because I can’t be bothered with saving the world from Global Warming, I have enough problems just paying my rent, trying to save myself from homelessness. I didn’t see that Al Gore movie, so maybe that’s why I am so ignorant, I don’t even realize where I am going with this, I was trying to talk about Lohan and I fucked all this up…..

When I left my house yesterday for the first time in 2007, I was on a mission to find food for the family because I didn’t have anything in my fridge. I didn’t realize that everything was closed on January 1st, other than Lohan’s pussy, which is always open rain or shine. If Lohan’s pussy was a restaurant, I wouldn’t have been walking around for an hour yesterday, either way, this total gaylords walked by me, one was white and the other was as black as they come, I’m talking middle of Africa – Eyes and Teeth kinda black. They were both light in the feet and happy to be alive, I can only assume the AIDs results had come in and they were safe to bareback not that AIDs would have stopped them anyway, I hear fags like to fuck, maybe you’d have better luck fucking dudes than trying to get ladies. Anyway, this GIRC (Gay Inter-Racial-Couple)had other issues in mind, they were talking to each other about how racist people are when they walk around in public together, maybe they were referring to me, but I wasn’t looking at them for being inter-racial, I was looking at them cuz they were faggots. I hope Lohan doesn’t have to face the same social-pressure and wish her luck in her new big cock endeavors. Cuddles.

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