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Miley Cyrus Turns Down a Relevant and Important Spokesperson Job of the Day

LifeStyles Condoms made a good move the other day and approached Miley Cyrus to be the spokesperson for their brand. Not because they think she is a little sexual deviant, but because they know that her audience is mainly made up of 14 year old girls, and they figure that reaching and educating those 14 year old girls about safe sex using someone they look up to, is something needed in the world we live in, because 1 in 4 teenage girls get an STD by the time they are 18 and it’s probably not from fucking you.

Now Miley Cyrus and her “people” have turned down the offer, claiming that promoting safe sex is something they will NEVER do, because I guess they don’t see the actual good they could do and see the potential backlash from the conservative parents and Disney, who feel like sweeping SEX under the rug makes everyone feel like they are living in the Magic Kingdon of Peter Pan joy, where bad things don’t happen, while the kids who live in these households are out at teenage sex parties lickin’ teenage asshole and taking 2-6 dicks on at once.

The fact that supporting safe sex, would not only add value to someone who is otherwise useless, and give someone who looks like a money grubbing spoiled little cunt some purpose while saving some lives and making a difference in the process is seen as a negative, while her shitty attitude is probably more detrimental to the public.

She has posed nude, she has tons of slutty personal pics hit the net, and a source close to the actress has told me that she’s a fuckin’ slut. I always thought that she was respecting her “virginity” clause in her Disney contract and at first she was just sucking dick and taking it up the ass, but she has made the move to vaginal sex and Disney is struggling with keeping that shit underwraps, because their right-winged conservative producers are the ones who taught her how to fuck between shooting scenes.

I hate the fact that people don’t have any accountability, that don’t have any social responsibility and that they lie to the fucking public with promise rings and other candy coated unrealistic bullshit all to save face and not disrubt brand image. We all live in this world, we all see what actually goes down and we all think it’s important to address the fucking issues instead of pretending they don’t exist and this is just an example of why you should hate Miley Cyrus more than you already do.

Posted in:LifeStyles Condoms|Miley Cyrus