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Hilary Duff Pregnant of the Day

I heard that Hilary Duff is 7 weeks pregnant and doesn’t know who the father is, because it all went down around the same time her boyfriend was in the Hockey Playoffs and they needed to use her to boost team morale. I mean that or she’s been eating a lot or doing the Kim Kardashian workout DVD, because that’s the only explanation for her maternity outfit, and trust me, I know maternity outfits, I spent the better part of a year protesting pro-abortion outside of a maternity store every saturday because I felt the world was over-populated and hated the whole obnoxiousness of having kids, the whole you think you’re good enough to have another one of you walk the earth bullshit…and none of that matters, because pregnant or not, I would love to explore this bitch’s womb.

Posted in:Hilary Duff|Pregnant