I'll Make You Famous…




Alexis Bledel For the Virgins of the Day

< The only person I have ever knows who was into Gilmore Girls was this 28 year old virgin. So these pictures of this chick must be driving him fuckin' bananas. Now, I know you don't believe me when I say he was an actual fuckin' virgin, you think I'm just playing that shit off lightly because dude watched shows designed for teenage girls, but the truth is that this motherfucker lived in a one bedroom apartment, got awkward when women were around him, had 8 computers next to his bed, and was balding from the radiation. He also had a big screen TV and collected teenage girl TV show boxset DVDs, he'd get 2 of each, one to use and one to keep on the shelf next to his action figures he treated the same fuckin' way, because that's what virgin collectors do, I mean when you're not fuckin' girls or chasing skirts, what else is there to really do, I mean other than yelling at me and kicking me out of his house for playing with his light sabre and the whole thing really only got weird when I realized I was his only friend and he'd call me constantly cuz I guess he was trying to collect me. Either way, here's the bitch from that show who I never thought was hot showing some tit and who really fuckin' cares...I know I don't.

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