I'll Make You Famous…




Kimberly Caldwell is an American Idol Whore of the Day

I don’t know anything about this chick, other than she was the only one worth fucking on Season 2 of American Idol, I mean other than Clay Aiken, that motherfucker had it goin on and it’s not gay because based on his singing and dancing, there’s no way he has a penis.

I also don’t know what the fuck I did to myself, I’ve been drunk and I’ve posted fuckin’ drunk, but I sabotaged my stepLINKS for the first time in the history of posting them wasted every night. I woke up and didn’t get what the hell I had done, but I updated THEM HERE

Sure, that’s got nothing to do with Kimberly Caldwell, but really it is a lot more interesting than her. She’s just a bunch of years older and living on the fuckin’ dream while braggin about her 15 minutes on TV. I’m just excited for the tell all book about how Ruben Studdard ate a drifterone night when they were on the road and she had to help get rid of the bones.

I hate hangovers more than I hate people talking about how much they hate hangovers. Yes. I hate myself. Especially today.

Posted in:American Idol|Kimberly Caldwell|Whore