I'll Make You Famous…




Bam is a Loser of the Day

There comes a time in every man’s life when they turn 25 and pulling their friend’s pants down and drop kicking them outside some shitty hollywood bar becomes boring….I am the last person to say a motherfucker needs to grow the fuck up, especially after he made millions doing this shit…but I know I’m bored of seeing this stupidity. It was a 90s concept that worked because people weren’t on the internet and exposed to half retarded dudes who do stunts…but now that shit is saturated and whether you were an innovator or not…it’s time to move the fuck on.

I’m not saying he has to wear a suit and be sophisticated…or that he even needs to really grow up. I’m 40 and pull stupid shit all the fucking time…I am just saying that I don’t find any of this funny at all…it’s lame, lazy, unoriginal and boring…motherfucker needs to step up his game…..but why bother…cuz he still gets pussy doin’ his one-trick…

Pics via PacificCoastNews

Posted in:Bam|Jackass