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Halle Berry is Some Accessible Black Pussy of the Day

I don’t know what’s up with this lesbian flannel, weird faced walk Halle Berry is involved in, but I do know that Halle Berry is probably some of the most Accessible black pussy around, so accessible that she might as well not go as her black half, cuz I have a feeling bitches like Kim Kardashian who aren’t even half black are more black than her, but I guess her white side isn’t as marketable…..

She reminds me of those weird black hipster rappers who only date white girls because black girls find them pussy and a disgrace to their heritage in their tight jeans, only the older girl version. I have a feeling that she’s never even had black cock in her but instead was the tool for racists to pretend they weren’t racists…, in a “What are you talking about, I love black women, just yesterday I jerked off to Halle Berry” kind of way….

Here she is doing some lesbian shit in some shorts….which is not all that surprising to me cuz I always had a feeling her husband was some kind of homosexual surrogate that she was keeping around to keep herself on the down low…

Pics via Fame

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