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Halle Berry’s Has One Hard Mom Nipple of the Day

I don’t know what went on here on a medical level, I just know that she’s got one hard nipple. One nipple ready to feed her child, or a pervert like me, and the other one’s just slow to the fuckin’ gate…maybe it’s the retarded nipple, or the rogue nipple who does what he wants, or maybe he’s the nipple that was in an accident and hasn’t fully recovered….but what kind of an accident could a nipple be in….maybe he was bit off by one of her many gay looking lovers she marries and provides an unstable home for her daughter….or maybe shit’s just inverted, you know that whole inter-species mixing of genetics doesn’t always work out…just ask the lap dog who got knocked up by a pitbull next store…fucking thing can’t walk anymore…but more importantly, why did I make her nipples a “he”? Does that make me gay?

Either way, her awkward nipples are just like how she’s white as fuck on the inside and in everything she does and how she lives her life, but pushes the whole black on the outside when it comes to winning Academy awards…or maybe it’s not at all like that, but like to remind you of her scam every chance I can get….dude, I saw Catwoman recently and if that was a real Academy award winning actor and not just someone who the Academy was using to fill a quota, I probably wouldn’t have turned it off after cumming to her costume…She was and always should have been a Jessica Alba typecast for having tits kinda bitch…but she strayed and now she’s old…..and none of this answers

Posted in:Halle Berry