I'll Make You Famous…




Reese Witherspoon Mom Ass in Whore Boots in Tight Pants of the Day

Here’s the ass Ryan Phillipe gave up to fuck substantially hotter pussy. He clearly made the right decision…

I figure I should just put these pictures up to remind a motherfucker if you’ve ever been trapped by a porky bitch who you accidentally knocked up when working together, you don’t have to play hero and be a good guy and responsible father, you can put the bitch in her place and move the fuck onto hotter younger pussy without any remorse…cuz you gotta remember bitch trapped you in the first place to begin with and there’s nothing decent about kidnappin’….especially when she used your sperm against you…

A more important question to ask yourself about this Reese Witherspoon is whether or not she’s inserted her Oscar she didn’t deserver inside her mom pussy, like this crazy Catholic girl I used to fuck used to do with her Mother Mary statue and if so does she use a condom or is she into the cold metal cuz it makes her feel alive….

Posted in:Reese Witherspoon