I'll Make You Famous…




Katy Perry’s Bad Legs Performin of the Day

I get a lot of hate mail because people don’t understand, pointing out the obvious flaws on a cunt bitch who annoys me through song has no corelation to whether I’d fuck her or not, and it has nothing to do with the fact that I’m not fucking her, and getting those emails is getting boring…

“You think she’s sloppy cuz you’re jealous of her money, success and fame”.

“You say mean things cuz she won’t sleep with you and would never sleep with you”.

“You’re mean to my idol cuz you hate yourself for never being able to be her”….

Not true. I’d fuck uglier bitches than Katy Perry everyday, all day. I can just focus on the obvious, and that is that she’s a set of tits, used to distract from being a talentless, sack of shit of a woman.

She’s got back legs. Bad skin. Can’t dance. But she’s a lot of fucking noise to divert from those facts.

Here she is in concert, clownin’ out.

Posted in:Katy Perry