I'll Make You Famous…




Lady Gaga Isn’t Wearing Pants of the Day

Boring. This is getting so fucking boring. This tryhard needs more hustle.

Lady Gaga was cast for the part of Lady Gaga because she looked like Paul from he Wonder Years. They were like, she’s got this facial expression like she’s always about to throw up, thanks to a weak chin, let’s milk this whore, pump some self esteem into her, a little false ego, give her a team of people to train her, and let her take all the glory for the bullshit she spews, that same bullshit all the fags and ugly people everywhere are eating up, cuz they believe the lie, they don’t realize she’s an employee of a label looking to target the fags and give them something that taps into their love for Madonna, Glamour, Fashion and Drag shows….Something edgie, that’s really just a pile of shit….and the whole thing annoys me, especially when she walks around pantless, cuz I’m just like “arrest this bitch for indecent exposure” and I also love a bitch, even ugly bitches exposing, it is just that everything about her is an ugly, unattractive, lie I want to see die.

The only thing good about her is that she proves marketing works and gays are idiots. Something we already knew….

Posted in:Lady Gaga