I'll Make You Famous…




Some Britney Spears Concert Mooning of the Day

Here’s Britney Spears in concert pretty much mooning the audience, because that’s what you do when you are too medicated to actually tell us to fuck ourselves, cuz you hate every second of performing for us but you have no choice but to do it cuz the people around you are forcing you to do it cuz you make them too much money….

It’s like when the losing team moon’s the winning team in high school, or when the car full of girls gets mooned by the frat boys on a field trip from the school bus, in a playful passive aggressive fuck yourself, while I’d rather being fucking you to teach you a lesson kinda thing that can be as gay as it sounds…but I won’t get into that night at camp when two of the boys got a little too carried away with their mooning….and this reminds me of a time when I really wanted girls to moon me all the time…it almost became a fetish…whenever I’d be driving, I’d wish to get a car for of girls next to me, ass in the window, I went so far as to sit on the side of the highway hoping a bus of crazy girls would give me what I want, all pussy smeared against the glass without them knowing that when they moon, they give me a visual I want to fuck…before giving up cuz it’s a hard fetish to live out unless it’s staged…I mean people just aren’t mooning each other like it’s the 50s anymore, they are instead masturbating on webcam for each other …..which is okay, but not the same….

All this to say….I wish there was a little more mom pussy lip in these pics….

Posted in:Britney Spears