I'll Make You Famous…




Lea Michele’s Kinda Hard Nipple Goes to the Gym of the Day

I rip into Lea Michele cuz she’s not hot…or I mean not hot to the average straight man…but hot to the fat girls and the gay men who are obsessed with Glee because that’s who watches Glee…giving her a false sene of hotness in the way she carries herself…cuz it can’t be a real sense of hotness cuz no matter how I look at her…she’s a fucking monster…hard nipple and all….She’s got the face of an inbred perfect for some horror movies…but unfortunately at the top of her game, thinking to herself “they’re just jealous” when she reads these honest reviews of her looks, when the reality is, we’re not fucking jealous in any way, and she’s actually fucking disgusting…like she might as well have a cock or get a sex change to have a cock, cuz at least that way she’d be able to believe that anyone fucking her are with her for her and not for her money, fame, lifestyle or whatever other reason a straight dude would fuck a bitch like this….

Posted in:Lea Michele