I'll Make You Famous…




Some Bitches at the New Year’s Eve Premiere of the Day

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There is a really shitty fucking movie that hollywood shat out called New Year’s Eve and it is being pegged as having an a-list cast because they cast a whole lot of known celebs that equally fucking suck at acting but that have a good publicity team making the general public think they matter….

I had the serious misfortune of seeing the trailer and immediately feeling the need to murder, if not myself, then all of fucking hollywood.

I don’t even want to go into the shitty storyline I can’t believe got budget to get made…I can only assume Ryan Seacrest is behind it…

That said, they had a premiere and there was pussy up in it and since pussy is what I do….here’s what you missed out on along with me cuz hollywood doesn’t think we matter….

Fergie Showing Tit….and shoulder but most interesting some dangly armpit skin that looks like an armpit pussy….my favorite…

Katherine Heigl Showing Tit in a tight dress I can only assume is spanxed all to hell

Sofia Vergara Showing Tit in a Lingerie Looking Dress…

Abigail Breslin/Little Miss Sunshite Jail Baitin’ for your Masturbating…

Lea Michele Manly Tit and Single Kutcher Who May Fuck It….because clearly he’s not too discriminatory when it comes to pussy….

Hilary Swank is Boys Don’t Cry….

Ludacris and Some Big Black Booty….

Posted in:Abigail Breslin|Fergie|Hilary Swank|Katherine Heigl|Lea Michele|Sofia Vergara