I'll Make You Famous…




Dakota Fanning is Legal of the Day

So apparently it is Dakota Fanning’s 18th birthday today…I assumed she was 18 over a decade ago cuz I saw her in interview and bitch sounded 40….leading me to think she had Andy Milonakis disease, leading me to have a valid excuse in court if ever I got caught jerking off to her, an issue we don’t have to worry about anymore, cuz now she can be naked and slutty, showing nipple and cunny, anus in pictures and videos without getting us on the sex offender list…but she’s not allowed to drink…thank god for Prescription pills….

I know…who cares about Dakota Fanning, she’s not hot, not scandalous, not erotic, and not someone I’m sure any of us have jerked off to, but shedid do this hot scene in the Runaways….

But I was more into this shower scene

Why the fuck am I posting fucking clips from some shitty movie fuck…I’m digging to find a post here cuz my DAKOTA FANNING ARCHIVE isn’t too erotic….

I know it being her birthday should be enough of a post, but I go above and beyond…dedicated to this bullshit…for no real reason….cuz I’m not even remotely interested in the shit…

Posted in:Dakota Fanning