I'll Make You Famous…




Erin Wasson Recycled Titties For Glamour France July 2012 of the Day

So I saw these pics of Erin Wasson circulating the internet the last couple of hours….they claimed they were from Glamour France July 2012….but I knew I saw these titties in this stance before….So I did some very intense investigative journalism…and found THE SAME PICS IN VOGUE ITALIA JULY 2010 …..Is the internet lying to me…or is the Fashion media running on a budet, recycling old photoshoots that are still relevant cuz people still dress this way, is the economic crash in Europe to blame for low budgets, who fucking knows and who fucking cares, cuz Erin Wasson is a hot, surfer, cool chick model…and I’ll look at tit pics of her from any year….I don’t need recent, I just need topless….

I do feel pretty clever for catching this though…you see cuz i don’t even remember posts I’ve done a day often times an hour after I post them. I must be connected at the soul with this bitch or something….

Posted in:Erin Wasson|NSFW|Photos