I'll Make You Famous…




Lindsay Lohan is a Geisha Liz Taylor for Halloween in July of the Day

I have Lindsay Lohan’s phone number, or at least it was her phone number a few years ago, cuz she’s the one who texted me in one of her fits of crazy, that led to a great friendship that ended in her hotel room 3 years ago…

I still text it every couple of days, but rarely get a response….until yesterday where she or whoever it was pretending to be her, went nuts, saying they will call the police and that I am a stalker and shit….

To which I replied;

Good luck on the low grade made for TV movie that screams “I failed bro”….you were a superstar…..now you are nothing….go fuck your useless self with Sam Ronson’s dick…..

That is how romance happens…and it made me laugh, more than her posting this picture where she is playing Liz Taylor as Cleopatra that she felt was Japanese…She’s boring, but I still think she’s got great fake tits…and sometimes that is all that matters….

Posted in:Lindsay Lohan