I'll Make You Famous…




Kim Kardashian Photoshopped to Shit in her Bikini for OK MAgazine of the Day

It amazes me that Kim Kardashian still hasn’t been assassinated…and not just cuz the word ass comes up twice in that word…but cuz she represents all that is wrong in society.

I mean the only really blowing up and or cutting that has happened to her is in post production editing on every picture of her…when really she should be drowned to rid the world of evil….

I have never seen her in person, but I can just tell that I am pretty sure she doesn’t look like this…in fact I am pretty sure she is really fucking fat…she just manages to keep a flat stomach and more importantly push that fat in a variety of directions through straps and harnesses to make her laziness flatterine to more than just the black man…

I know she’s pretty much fallen off the map…but I saw these pics and they looked so fake….that I had to post them….

Posted in:Kim Kardashian