I'll Make You Famous…




Miley Cyrus Emoji Tattoo of the Day

Miley Cyrus got an Emoji Tattoo on her lip, because she’s so modern and relevant and the whole thing would be far more exciting if this post was less about a crying cat face Emojis that were copyrighted by Apple, and more about her taking a load on her lip…this shit is almost as bad as the genital herpes you know she’s got from licking random asshole on her last rich spoiled brat rebellion cry for attention…and the most interesting thing in this whole thing is that she got the eggplant emoji tattooed on her other lips…in honor of how hip hop she was when she was learning to twerk in the studio on some brotha dick…

All this to say this is to high school from Miley, I need more humping, gyrating, nipple showing, and vagina suffocating with panties while in concert….

Posted in:Miley Cyrus