I'll Make You Famous…




Chrissy Teigen is a Chubby Drunk Attention Whore of the Day

Chrissy Teigen is a chubby, drunk, attention whore who has probably made 3 dollars modelling the last decade, since locking down John Legend and thinking she was responsible for his career, cuz she got in there early…

She’s also an unstable, depressive drunk, who looks like she may be pregnant, with a pug face, and not in a cute pug face way, who hates this website..because I called her out on being low level, and a wallet fucker, because that’s pretty much what she is..she even went to her blog to write about it…

You see, when you date any successful musician, scamming your way into Sports Illustrated is easy…because she was a bikini model at one point, for billabong, int he fucking 90s….for one season catalog…that’s all she’s ever done other than being a funny clown with big tits on social media all day, because you don’t actually work, and it allows you to seemingly feel more important than you are…even when you’re not….you know the kind of girl who will end up on her own reality show…which I guess is more important than I’ll ever be…but I can still sit on the sidelines and laugh at her silliness…and I will…even though I think we’d make lovely, life long friends, if she wasn’t such a fucking hater….because as you know, I like girls who get in their bikinis, with big tits and rich husbands to finance my drinking…

Posted in:Chrissy Teigen