I'll Make You Famous…




Selena Gomez Leaked Nudes of the Day

Someone emailed me these pictures saying that they are Selena Gomez leaked nudes from a cellphone hack and that they were 100 percent her because they know someone who knows her management…

I say, that it is probably some dude and his slutty girlfriend who is probably a cam girl trying to troll the internet because people always tell her she looks like Selena Gomez, and she wants to believe it, even though she’s a bootleg version….like the girl I once dated who told me she looks like Penelope Cruz, when she actually looked like a massive nosed monster…or this other girl I dated who told me she looked like some other celebrity and like maybe if that celebrity was pushing 300 pounds and a totally different person that’d make sense…

But I am always up for a good nude scandal, whether it is Selena Gomez or not..it’s still tits…and we like those…

Posted in:Selena Gomez