I'll Make You Famous…




Amanda Seyfried Ass in Sweatpants of the Day

Amanda Seyfried is the girl who moved in and stole all of Lindsay Lohan’s work. She was the “she was a bitch to me on set of Mean Girls, and now she’s an un-hireable disaster, that I’m, gonna take every job she ever was offered or rumored to be offered, even if they don’t pay me – because I’m hotter, I have better tits and fuck her”…which is kind of awesome…as is her ability balance her mainstream vanilla cheesy roles – while doing a couple more obscure movies that she’s fully naked in…but I’m most impressed in that she manages to live her life, always dressed like she’s having her period, dumpy and unshowered for the paparzzi…looking like she smells and has shit stains in her underwear…never dolled up because I guess she has nothing to prove…but then I remember she fucks Justin Long…and that maybe she’s just the fucking worst…because he is..and she lets him cum inside her…

So in these ill-fitting sweatpants that she’s probably been in for 3 days or more – is dried up Justin Long sperm…and that’s pretty fucking vile…I think it’s time to move on from this.

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Posted in:Amanda Seyfried