I'll Make You Famous…




Jessica Hart Picking her Scabby Ass of the Day


Jessica Hart is a model, she was a famous a few years ago she did Victoria’s Secret and shit like that, but her smartest and most important move was dating Stavros, the Greek shipping billionaire, who you may remember as Paris Hilton’s ex boyfriend, who has rolled through thousands of hot girls, thanks to being a billioniare, one of those weirdo rich people who probably also fucks dudes, since it is challenging, leaving Jessica Hart, likely Herpes infected, but then again, any Australian who moved to LA, to model and date Billionaires, probably had that LA strain long before any Stavros got into the picture…but it’s nice to look at her ass and imagine it being scabby thanks to Paris Hilton’s designer strain…it just makes these pics all the more gutter and trashy…like all these people are…and by people I mean.. hot as fuck gold digging, opportunist Australians with a dream…

Because we’re all allowed to have dreams…even when they come with herpes if I need to…I just close my eyes and pretend they aren’t their…and that rough patch of skin is just from the winter air…

Here’s her ass flash..I am a fan…but you can just search her name on the site and see her naked…that’s the thing with models…they are all naked in pics…out there…

Posted in:Jessica Hart