I'll Make You Famous…




Miley Cyrus Topless Pasties for Instagram of the Day


Miley Cyrus continues to exist. She is like the court jester, with less importance historically, maybe she’s more the Ronald McDonald clown, used as a ridiculous front to sell whatever corporation she works for and gets paid by, because you know this isn’t a DIY crowdfunded art project some TUMBLR chick coordinated because she built a following of weirdos who like her dyed armpit hair….

She continues her novelty act in the carnival that is Miley Cyrus…of gender issues, sexuality issues, in her misguided glory, spreading the word of her uneducated nonsense, that allows her to be relevant, because her audience loves this shit…as they are morons that are easy to manipulate…

Who cares about Miley’s taped up tits “feminism” lie…or her silly, look how silly she is, or even her paparazzi videos of her finger banging a model…we’re so desensitized, she’s over-exposed…we’ve seen this 10 or more times before, from her and other girls like her…so who cares…why am I posting it…because I don’t know what else to do with myself, and clearly neither does the rest of society who blindly buy into this bullshit.

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW