I'll Make You Famous…




Kylie Jenner Weird Bathing Suit Photoshoot of the Day


Now that Kylie Jenner is 18 and her black rapper boyfriend who already has a kid has sang about penetrating her has the world lost interest in her? Can they see her for the puppet that she was bred to be, but more importantly can they see a 35 year old sugar baby looking face on a sloppy body, that may or may not be a tranny….

She’s not hot, she’s not exciting, she’s not interesting…yet they have her posing in bathing suits like she is, because I guess the “urban” market loves it..because they love anything rich, once wet, now brown, despite being white, thanks to the family being on giant identity crisis navigating to stay relevant and it is working..

I get it, when she’s under 18, illegal to fuck, she becomes more interesting in her slutty booty pics…but the day she turned 18, I am sure we can all agree all that deflated, she got sloppy, her face old and saggy and even these bathing suit pics, uninteresting and basic…

I’ll post them anyway….you know keep the momentum alive…but know I don’t think this garbage matters…

Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW