I'll Make You Famous…




Ashley Benson is a Lion of the Day

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Ashley Benson is the chubby and really famous on the internet, which I guess famous in life girl, because internet is life….all thanks to being on a really successful TV show….

People get mad when I fat shame her, when they should really take that energy and troll her comments, because men things get noticed, just ask Selena Gomez…and pretending the bitch doesn’t eat too much is just irresponsible..especially when she can hire a trainer and a chef, she makes over a million dollars a year…I know people who make 40,000 dollars a year and have a fucking trainer…

Either way, she’s cock teasing her slutty fat girl covered but still slutty cuz there is cleavage Lion costume…and you should love it..because it is a reminder of the most half naked, non slutty girl, even though all girls are slutty…thanks to the internet…

Now if only you could hire a desperate black man to poach her, so you could mount her….and live out your life dream….right…right…right…

Posted in:Ashley Benson|SFW