I'll Make You Famous…




Karla Souza for GQ Mexico of the Day


How to Get Away With Murder actress Karla Souza….is in GQ Mexico, which according to Donald Trump is trying to break into your country, using half naked pics of your actress, to confuse you while stealing your jobs and fucking your women…using you GQ brand named…to trick you…typical of Mexicans…right?

As a Mexican, I think it’s more a magazine owned by Conde Nast..a privately owned American publishing Empire…featuring an American Actress….on an American Show..wearing American product…in what I would say is more about them trying to push the American dream, culture, products on Mexico, because it’s a huge market, they still buy Magazines and have dreams of America… and America likes perpetuating that because they like selling product to Mexico…and they like manufacturing their products in Mexico for cheap…and they like Mexico…just not when they sneak under your borders…

The real crazy thing as a Canadian, is that we don’t have one “North American” economy, with a North American passport, and a North American currency, so that I can cross the goddamn border as I fucking please…we should unite and just keep the arabs with their ISIS and and the africans with their ebola out…right..

Doesn’t matter, what matters is that Karla Souza is in obscure, but huge, market GQ, half naked,…which is half not naked enough, I’ve never see How To Get Away with Murder, and these pics won’t suck me into their bullshit…and I won’t watch their bullshit…but she’s alright… and I looked at these pics, and now so can you…

Posted in:Karla Souza|SFW