I'll Make You Famous…




Rapist of the Day


This is the most insane rape story I’ve heard in a while, even more insane than the rape culture activist who keeps insisting she is raped everyday without even having sex, you know the girl in the women’s study class at the college who think you’ve raped her at the bar because you bumped into her walking through, or the girl who thinks you raped her at the grocery store because you cut her in line, or the girl who thinks you raped her after having sex with her while you were both drunk, and she insisted on coming over and having sex, and never said no to you, but had regrets…and decided that that is rape….

Basically, this Saudi millionaire was acquitted of rape charge after claiming he tripped and fell on a girl…

The good old “Trip and fell and stuck my dick in a pussy” excuse….that is just totally fucking absurd.

I’ve tried that on justifying an induced miscarriage years ago when I knocked up my girlfriend..and no one believed me…I’ve even said it to explain some of the poor choices I’ve made in sex….and no one believed me…

They were like “why did you fuck that obese pig”…and I was like “I had a boner and I tripped and she’s so fat and wet, it just sucked me in…have you ever seen Ghostbusters, no not the chick one, the original with slimer, yeah…that pig slimed me and I couldn’t get out of her trap”…

No one believed me…while the courts believe this sick fuck Saudi rich fuck, Ehsan Abdulaziz, who was 46, hanging in a club, with an 18 year old and her friend at his 2000 dollar table….where he got the girls drunk, brought them home, fucked one of them…willingly apparently…where he fed them more vodka, the 24-year-old woman to another room to have sex.

When the 18-year-old awoke the next morning, she told the court Abdulaziz was on top of her and raping her.

This is where it gets insane….Abdulaziz said he accidentally fell on the 18-year-old woman after she seduced him. He said she pulled him toward her and placed his hand between her legs. He claimed he was only trying to offer her something to wear or a taxi ride home.

What a nice guy….

But then is DNA was found inside the 18-year-old girl and he claims he could have had semen on his hands after having sex with her 24-year-old friend.

“I’m fragile,” he said. “I fell down but nothing ever happened, between me and this girl nothing ever happened.”

Then he changed his story to…

“On this occasion he said after he had sex with the complainant’s friend his penis was still erect and he had semen on his hands when he went into the living room,”

Moral of the Story -> don’t be a gold digger at the club, attaching yourself to old creepy guys with tables because they feed you booze…there is no reason for an 18 year old to congregate with a 46 year old, or for her to go home with him…that’s just poor planning.

Doesn’t mean she deserved to be raped, but if you let a pedophile babysit your kid, you have to expect some level of creepy to happen..

What is amazing is that he didn’t get charged….that the court bought his story:

“I tripped and my dick fell in her pussy”…

What the fuck…


Posted in:SFW|stepNEWS