I'll Make You Famous…




Zoey Deutch’s Tits in Some Magazine of the Day


Zoey Deutch is Lea Thompson, who was on the show Caroline in the City…which was like Sex and the City, but with a cartoonist…and an annoying fucking sitcom in an era where they forced us to watch these sitcoms because cable was the only way we could watch TV…I guess more interestingly to you fucking nerds she was the love interest on Howard the Duck….and I don’t remember whether she fucked Howard the Duck or not, but we can assume she did and that’s weird…

But this isn’t about her, this is about her daughter, the tits she made by getting cummed inside, who is on a show called Ringer, and was on a show called Suite Life, which is some Disney shit, and unlike other stage parents with Disney kids, this one probably didn’t have to fuck her way to the top with the execs who fuck children, but she’s probably just as fucked up, thanks to being in on that LA rich kid bullshit, that has existed forever, Melanie Griffith, and is doing exactly the same thing as every other rich kid in LA is doing ,getting slutty on the internet and in life trying to be famous…because they can…and it’s easy…and people praise them…while their Hollywood parents continue to be the shittiest fucking people…

She’s 22, and has tits.

Posted in:SFW|Zoey Deutch