I'll Make You Famous…




Gigi Hadid Hits 13 Million Followers on Instagram of the Day


13 million people care about some average looking half arab rich girl from LA and shows off her tits.

Here she is with her possibly homosexual, possibly trans like her BFFs dad Bruce, because that’s the LA trend for these obsessed with vanity freaks, getting botox and face lifts like a bunch of fucking girls, because I guess the reason they got rich was because of that narcissism and ego that allowed them to take the necessary risks…risks that now lets him fuck girls who are less famous models that his GIGI, but who are hotter than GIGI because she’s not that hot…she’s not even a model…she’s just an instagram person who has 13 million followers, in part thanks to her dad investing some money in a marketing company, and her possibly being signed to the Kendall Jenner school of modeling…..


So when these magazines booker her and brands hire her, it’s not because they think she’s a natural talent, or good as a personality, they just know she’s a rich kid with an ego and a dream…so she’ll try to fake it but more importantly has 13 million people they can reach when they book her, knowing one pic on her instagram, something that takes 3 minutes to do, will get 1,000,000 likes…massive.

I guess this is the “model” version of the 1%, unfair for the half arab average looking girls out there who want 13 million followers, but who don’t have the resources to buy them through friends, parties and PR teams…

It’s all a lie! Like her being at Kanye’s fashion show, like a groupie and someone who owes the Kardashians, despite him “dissing” Taylor Swift, her BFF, putting her in this “who do I stand by and how can my team allow me to stand for everyone and everything to get more jobs and not offend anyone”…

Almost as dumb as me writing about this shit..

Posted in:Gigi Hadid|SFW