I'll Make You Famous…




Jennifer Lawrence Tits Creates a Charity of the Day

Jennifer Lawrence is giving a gift of 2,000,000 tax deductible dollars to the Children’s Heart Foundation because despite being a puppet of the media with no soul, she’s into kids with no hearts….or with broken hearts…because she probably found some recipe or spell that needed Children’s hearts and this was the only way to get it!

I don’t care if the idea is vain, the amount of money that will actually get to the kids will be closer to 20,000 dollars…

I read the WYCLEF AMA on REDDIT yesterday…and saw how to master a fake charity through clever accouunting tactics…

I do care that she’s showing her tits, tits that brown dude AZIZ who is overrated pussy comedy but successful because immigrants like him..

I guess what I’m saying is that I prefer when celebs spend their money on cocaine and hookers, because I like when people acknowledge the vapid, self absorbed cunts they are…this “do good” because it is “good press” no matter what money is involved irritates me…but then again anything that she does that doesn’t involve self shot nudes annoys me too…

I mean – why the fuck is she so fucking famous and in everything – some deals with the devil were made -maybe that’s why she wants to buy all the Kentucky based baby hearts….because in a world filled with equally “talented” actors she just doesn’t make any fucking sense…I don’t trust her….

Posted in:Jennifer Lawrence|SFW