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Erin Andrews’ 55 Million Dollar Nude Video of the Day

Erin Andrews is the new Kim Kardashian as the girl with the most lucrative nude video…

In 2009 – I wrote a post on sportscaster Erin Andrews, where I wrote:

“It is a cry for attention and the whole thing is totally suspicious but she’s made a statement that she will sue anyone who publishes the shit, so I’ll let you google it like I did, because I can’t afford to get sued, or to be made an example out of, and in the meantime here’s a great video of huge tits and cock…cuz it’s more interesting…”

Well, it turns out she just scored 55 million dollars, because after the Peeping Tom went to jail, the Marriott Hotel was roped into the whole thing because it turns out that they gave out her room number to the stalker…which is not really good in hotel business….

I don’t know where the 55 million dollar price tag came into play, considering the whole thing skyrocketed her career, but I guess it was based on all the emotional abuse she got for people calling it staged…

I heard some of her testimony, which wasn’t as good as the HULK HOGAN VS GAWKER TRIAL …It was really just a girl crying about a traumatic sexual crime..boring…

I would bet 55 million dollars that she loves that this happened to her, not that she didn’t before the 55 million dollars…but now she’s probably really happy it happened…

I guess sex offense, peeping, leaking nudes…isn’t bad for business….and or finances..

I still think it was staged.

Posted in:Erin Andrews