I'll Make You Famous…




The Whitney Houston Hologram Sings with Christina Aguilera Weirdness of the DAy

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I saw this video earlier today and it was fucking disturbing, not because the media thinks it is important to project a video and audio of Whitney Houston singing a Whitney Houston song while Christina Aguilera does Karaoke along side of it…but because Christina Aguilera looks fucking awful…

I am all for dead crackhead with the voice of an angel coming back from the dead in a really low quality hologram…but mainly for sexual purposes, which I guess in a way this kind of is, because clearly it’s smut at least one guy is jerking off to, probably the guy at Whitney Houston’s estate that will be getting a royalty check for every iTUNES download after this airs on the voice…

IT’s safe to say that we are eternal…as long as we have footage of us for people to watch – even though we’re still dead…

This is just pretty fucking trashy…but so is America, so it works…on all levels…

Oh this was leaked…something Christina Aguilera’s mom pussy knows too much about….fluid everywhere…

Meaning – they want you to see this but they will pretend they don’t….

It’s called BUILDING hype.

Posted in:Christina Aguilera|SFW