I'll Make You Famous…




Victoria Beckham’s 5 Minute Face Scares Me of the Day

I’ll tell you what I want, what I really really want…

I want to watch this Victoria Beckham video in slow motion…trying to figure out her lip….is it real, is it plastic surgery, is it a 100 years old and a zombie, is it alive..is it dead…and is it as fancy and exclusive as it has been marketed to me…now in her late 40s, a mom of a bunch of kids….still skinny enough because her husband is David Beckham – and if she’s looking bad…he’s still fucking other girls..but even if she’s looking food….he’s still fucking other girls…so no matter what she’s the main bitch, not the side bitch, but probably not getting fucked, old married couples don’t do that shit…instead the link up with cosmetic companies to push product to other old ladies who remember loving the spice girls…I only liked one video, the first video, where they won me over with Scary Spice’s hard nipple, it was the Aniston pre-internet being mainstream years – when nipples were enough…


Posted in:SFW|Victoria Beckham