I'll Make You Famous…




Lady Gaga Possible Pussy Flash of the Day


Lady Gaga is trying to do what she can to increase her record sales I guess, because Lady Gaga who is arguably a talented songwriter because she knows how to produce hits, or maybe she’s just a contrived record industry product designed to reach the gay audience like a Madonna, but who went too far with her act as a performance artist that everyone felt like she was shit, or maybe she came at us too strong..and got annoying…but whatever it is she’s using shameless bottom feeding for attention tactics to get seen, or in the media, and it’s weird…but not in a weird she can spin into her being just so creative and interesting…but weird in a it would make me uncomfortable or embarrassed for her and the awkwardness she brings if I actually cared to look into this deeper than I just did…

Good timing since her video just dropped…and 7 million people part of her cult watched…

Posted in:Lady Gaga|SFW