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Delta Airlines are Racist of the Day

So we live in a world where a group of white people can complain that someone is speaking a language they don’t like – because it is Arabic – the language of terrorists – and the airline will kick the people speaking Arabic – the language of terrorists off the plane – even though they went through security like everyone else….it’s the land of the free if you’re a white english speaking hick…..

Turns out the joke is on Delta, because the dude they kicked off is a Youtuber….with 1.5 million subscribers – 288,000 twitter followers…the kind of person brands pay huge money to do videos and bullshit for….brands like Delta…who if you’ve ever flown Delta you will know is a nice Mid Western staffed airline of some of the ugliest looking white women…

So now Delta will have to pay as they should, cuz people should be allowed to speak whatever the fuck they want to speak wherever the fuck they want to speak it…and some fat white people shouldn’t have the power to dictate that…but I guess you’re living in the TRUMP regime and this is the kind of love he spreads…

Sure I find it offensive…but I don’t really care either way, I just want to see Delta scramble, because big brands are the fucking worst and seeing them get called out on this level is so fucking good…the internet wins.

Read his tweets HERE …it’s an interesting story and possibly part of the attitude as to why Arabs want to blow your country up…I mean that and invading their countries and killing their people…

Don’t fuck with Social Media Stars….

Posted in:SFW|Videos