I'll Make You Famous…




Big Leg Hilary Duff Gets Paid By American Eagle Underwear of the Day

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Hilary Duff’s thigh fetish video to remind you that despite being on TV and in Movies, she’s just like the stripper down the street, who gets paid to show body parts, body parts she may not be proud of, because they are abnormally muscular and capable of moving a fridge, but love none the less because ego narcissists who get paid have that ability…

So for the thick thigh lovers (read: “black people”) and apparenlty me…because I love Hilary Duff thick thighs, here she is in some whoring…

I didn’t always love my legs, but as I’ve grown, I’ve learned to love and celebrate myself, just as I am. I began to realize that my legs are STRONG and they carry me every. single. day. Our bodies are amazing and something to be grateful for. I’m ME and that’s really enough! Thanks for helping to spread the self love message

Posted in:Hilary Duff|SFW