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I Think Lea Michele Flashed Panty or Boxers on Snapchat of the Day

I rip into Lea Michele for being a dude – all because she’s got a bit of a big nose troll face…that makes me think she’s either got a tail, or a cock, or both, because I am an asshole who doesn’t believe that average at best looking girls should be on TV, even if they are playing the average looking girl…but rather than hot chicks should play the average looking girl in order to perpetuate this idea to other girls that they are ugly because an insecure girl is a good girl to fuck, date, control, and own…..the kind of girl who doesn’t need to have the right to vote because she knows that women are nothing without the men who puppetmaster them….

But girls like Lea Michele come along…and sure, she’s got a voice, that could make a good voice over soundtrack for the pretty girls to lip sync to, but instead they cast her making every girl cuter than her think “if Lea Michele Exists, well I can To”…fast forward to facebook / instagram / youtube and all these basic bitches producing content…the fucking worst…

THAT SAID…she’s probably not a dude, but it would explain her adam’s apple…and she could be a dude because that’s how weird stage parents are “we have more chance of good if he’s a chick”…and I guess in this gender bending world…of it and THEY…gender doens’t matter at all….we are all god’s people..

Here she is perpetuating her LIE…

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Posted in:Lea Michele|SFW