I'll Make You Famous…




Bella Thorne Butt Shot of the Day

Bella Thorne posted this butt shot to let you all know that her and her Best Friend were dressed in the same style of striped pants, like they were Italian mobsters on a job, on a hit, doing a deal, or just having a meeting over some Italian coffee and a good sandwich….. only in Bella Thorne’s case her pants are tighter version of the euro track suit….but that’s only because she wants everyone to see her ass from the right angle…and if you don’t believe me, just look at her feed, or more imporantly, look at how she’s in this weird half squat on her tippy toes to get that perfect moment in her ass history….

I’d like to see the 200 pics they took before capturing this one…in this contrived staged bullshit world we live in…no good because vain cunts are annoying .but so good…on all othe levels besides vain cunts being annoying…like young ass in tight pants…

Here she is in Harper’s Bazaar…

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW