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stepGIRLS vs Thick Ass Glass Snapchat Takoever of the Day

It’s still 420, and if you’re not spending you’re day laying in bed, or on the fucking floor, or in a park, with at least one girl getting high all day…well, you’re a lot like me, but that doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate it, or think it’s a wonderful thing, for a community of smokers to get high all day and fuck the way the good life is meant to be…

Fuck work, fuck the system, fuck it all…motherfuckers…and do it with some amazing Glassware….like your granny always told you…bust out the best China for any celebration…

So if you’re gonna smoke, you gotta do it right and get up on one of these amazing water pipes from THICK ASS GLASS

They are amazing, to watch a girl play with, or to smoke with….get yours now, tell them Jesus sent you CLICK HERE

Posted in:Featured Post|stepGIRLS