I'll Make You Famous…




29 Questions with Fat Ariel Winter in a Bikini Hiding her Belly Fat of the Day

I saw this 29 questions with Ariel Winter video last week and figured more that 14,000 people would care about her in a bikini asking questions, when I realized that no one cares about Ariel Winter, she’s gross to look at, she doesn’t have real fans…just a handful of perverts…but instead has very good PR team who basically pay for her to be talked about and to exist…and really you’d have to pay to get people to care about her…she’s a fucking monster…a troll…a pig…a mix of all three…and I refuse to watch this video, but figure some of you have a fat girl from TV in a bikini fetish, I mean you must, why else does she have a career.

Here she is photoshopped in the fat pics..and still fat…despite photoshop..

Posted in:Ariel Winter|SFW