I'll Make You Famous…




Tara Reid’s New Movie of the Day

Andy The Talking Hedgehog with Tara Reid

Tara Reid and Dean Cain, who you may remember as “Superman”…are in the movie of their lifetimes…

It’s always nice to see what famous people from the past keeping busy…by starring in the worst possible movie ever and the fact that this movie even exists should make anyone who has ever thought “I want to make a movie” kill themselves for not making the movie…as clearly there are no real standards or requirements to fill the straight to Netflix / Amazon Prime market of “FEED PEOPLE MORE CRAP”…”people like hedgehogs, let’s make it a movie, you know with one who talks”…..

The name of this movie fucking kills me…and I bet…Tara Reid wins an Oscar for her role, at least she will think she did, thanks to being so medicated…right…RIGHT…right…

I love seeing things that were once so wonderful turn to such shit…I am talking to you Tara Reid…but I guess the amazing thing with her is that she’s managed to not die…when through her years of partying…she was expected to die…good times…

Posted in:SFW|Tara Reid