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Archive for the Amanda Bynes Category




Amanda Bynes Turns Me On of the Day

Amanda Bynes is amazing. Possibly the future. If she lives. The kind of child star I am into. You know rob them of their childhood, forget they exist, leave them confused and wondering what the fuck it all means, only to have mini breakdowns, cries for attention, acting all nuts, with face piercings and total identity crisis, making her a candidate for a lot of entertaining things in the near future, unless she dies. In which case, at least we’ll always have “She’s the Man” to remember her legacy.

Here’s an amazing tweet she made – I guess she’s a Drake fan…


Posted in:Amanda Bynes




Amanda Bynes Looks Hip Hop of the Day

I think Amanda Bynes is great….whether she’s causing scandal crying for help…like a broken down child star who had no childhood but who is now rebelling….whether with drugs, alcohol or slutty pics….to her going through an identity crisis and trying to make herself into a light skinned black girl….all counter culture and hip hop…ready to join a twerk team and speak in ebonics….she’s just a mess I want to get involved with…ideally with my genitals.

Posted in:Amanda Bynes




Amanda Bynes Did this to her Face of the Day

Amanda Bynes is my kind of crazy girl…but only because she’s got long legs and great tits that she shows off because she likes to put herself out there….it is all part of her mentally unstable breakdown that has lead to getting her in trouble with the law for being on drugs and drunk…and driving….in what some people say is a cry for attention and that I just say is a lot of fun…because whenever you find a teen star who was exploited by her parents who can’t get work….and who people stop caring about…trying to find herself…you get a good time…it is like they are going through the teen rebellion they would have gone through if they weren’t too busy being puppeteered by their parents for cash…..so seeing her pierce her face like some 14 year old at the mall…makes me happy…it’s that regressive teen angst in her 20s that leads to a lot of fun….and now all I need is to join her entourage….seriously…

Posted in:Amanda Bynes




Amanda Byne’s Artistic New Years Instagram Pic of the Day

Thanks to instagram…people can finally be the inner artist they’ve always been but never had the means to show the world…you know cuz real photography comes with a shitty camera phone and some shitty filters….and a girl willing to take pics of herself as Amanda Bynes proves with this titty shot….in the midst of her falling off crazy breakdown weirdness….she’s here to say “I am an artist….and you can’t take that away from me”….with pics of her titties…I am into this.

Posted in:Amanda Bynes




Amanda Bynes Does Instagram Right of the Day

You know what I like? Amanda Bynes….

Child star who has fallen off and lost her mind like every fucking child star…..Drug addicted, unstable, long legged, reckless driving angel….all posting cleavage to instagram…cleavage that I’d rather be a spread vagina….but I guess she hasn’t hit rock bottom yet, she just kinda seems like she had, but we have a few more feet to get…and luckily…I generally take what I can get..so this cleavage is good enough for me…even if I have no idea if it is actually hers or just a pic she posted of someone else…and really…it doesn’t matter…cuz like all girls I fuck from behind…they can virtually be anyone my imagination makes them….

Posted in:Amanda Bynes




Amanda Bynes Naked in the Tanning Salon of the Day

I just got this amazing email:

Amanda Bynes caused quite a scene during a recent visit to Beach Bum Tanning in NYC. An eyewitness tells In Touch that the troubled starlet shocked customers when she appeared in main salon area — completely naked!

After purchasing a Mystic spray-tan session, the 26-year-old was set up in a private room — but it wasn’t long before Amanda strode back out into the main salon area in search of goggles.

Only problem: She wasn’t wearing any clothes! “She walked out of the room completely naked,” the eyewitness tells In Touch. “She didn’t seem to care that everyone saw her naked.”

“She seemed totally out of it,” the eyewitness says. “She took her time walking back to the Mystic room, dragging her fingers along the wall and smiling at customers who passed her.”

The eyewitness adds: “There was definitely something wrong with her.”

Best fucking news ever….

I want to see the pics….someone out there…an employee of Mystic tan…must have security footage of this happening….and I need it…because Amanda Bynes, despite her weird face…has a hot little body I want to see naked….

I hope this drug addiction, fallen off the radar shit is true…cuz child star turns into porn star would be a nice way to end this Amanda Bynes story….

Posted in:Amanda Bynes




Damaged Amanda Bynes Turns Me on of the Day

Amanda Bynes has been in the tabloids lately for fallin’ off, losing her mind, breaking the law, crying for help like a broken teen starlet who was robbed of her youth and who is now going through her rebellious stage, and I am pretty glad all this crashing, burning and hitting rock bottom happened, cuz it gives me an excuse to stare at her legs, because before this scandal, I….like everyone else in the world…totally forgot she existed….not to mention I love a broken girl…welcome back momma.

To See More Pics of her Awesome Legs

Posted in:Amanda Bynes




Amanda Bynes Rocks the Bong of the Day

Amanda Bynes is hot, long legged, desperate and a failed child star I want to save…because I usually get to fuck the girls I save…

She’s been addicted to getting busted for bad driving and accidents cuz it has finally got people talking about her….like a rebel teen who just doesn’t care about the rules as long as people keep telling him to stop breaking them….I’m thinking maybe her parents are divorced or maybe she had her childhood robbed and this is her crying for help….

But now she’s gone to smoking hash, or at least a pipe in her car, for the paparazzi, probably as a lie, stunt, to get people talking, which they are doing….when really all she should be doing is a sex tape…or at least a sex hard cuddle with me….cuz she’s lovely…

I don’t buy this shit, but I’ll post it cuz i have nothing else to do and because i am pathetic.


Posted in:Amanda Bynes




Amanda Bynes Has the Best Pubicity Stunt Strategy of the Day

The latest Amanda Bynes news is that she had another car accident to get in the news now that she is bankrupt. I think that is the third or fourth in the last 2 weeks…

Either she’s trying to kill herself, or likes the attention now that she’s bankrupt…..or possibly doing both…

Making it the weirdest publicity stunt a bitch who’s childhood was robbed of her could take, sure it gets attention, but it is way less practical than shooting a fucking sex tape, unless she is shooting a sex tape, but the car crashing kind…

You know taking it to the next level of sex tape, because sex tapes are boring, and snuff films filled with crashing cars isan untaped fetish market….Giving people who cum from car accidents a celeb endorsement…

All I really care about are her long legs….and the fact she’s broken…cuz I love saving bitches…even if they are bankrupt…but that’s just cuz crazy people are more fun to fuck.


Posted in:Amanda Bynes




Amanda Bynes is a Hot Damaged Goods of the Day

I love broken girls, especially when those broken girls or the reason they are broken girls makes absolutely no sense, like Amanda Bynes, fully fucking broken….did hollywood eat her up and spit her out, was she molested by executives, does she feel her childhood was robbed, did she always feel like she wasn’t good enough of able….you know constant pressure to beat other girls for menial roles that in the grand scheme of things really doesn’t matter….but to her was all that mattered….leading to self medicating, poor decision making, crying for attention, for someone to notice…broken hearts, broken dreams…..destroyed…even though she was rich, famous enough…but never enough….and what it comes down to is who really cares, cuz all that matters, is that it happened, she’s destroyed, looks like a stripper, has rockin’ fake lookin tits, and is going out in public in a way I can jerk off to her….keeping her relevant and me happy….keep up the good fight against yourself girl….It works for me….this is like finding a gem in the bargain basement bin at the local department store people….and I love deals.

To See The Rest of the Pics

Posted in:Amanda Bynes