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Archive for the Lindsay Lohan Category




Lindsay Lohan’s “Recovering Addict” Act is So Obvious of the Day

We get it Lohan, you’re a recovering addict, but do you have to play this shit up like the weirdos at the local Dunkin Donuts who sit their all hours of the night chain smoking and downing coffee together so they don’t fall off the wagon. You know shaking, pacing all while looking like fucking death lighing cigarette of cigarette whining about your problems and talking about when you used to use cuz you’re so fucking self involved.

I have see this so many times before…This is so obvious…like she’s rehearsing a role from a movie…cuz all Lohan really grasps is being obvious. She’s the kind of phony bitch who dresses hip hop to go to a hip hop show, or who dresses rock & roll to go to a rock show, cuz she has no fucking soul, just a shapeshifter in an identity crisis, licking pussy cuz she got manipulated into it, doing heroin cuz it stops the pain…and really who cares…she is hot.

I still want to fuck her….if anything this makes me want to fuck her even more…but I have a thing for people with emotional baggage, insecurities and ex addictions, cuz crazy bitches are more fun, better in bed, and usually pretty accommodating cuz they are hurting so much on the inside, all they really want is a fucking hug.

Here are some more pics of her, cuz I love her and her Herpes equally…

Posted in:Lindsay Lohan




Lindsay Lohan’s Ass in Leggings Smoking of the Day

I still have faith in this crackhead addict…I still see Oscar potential…Not because she is talented…but because Hollywood is a fucking joke and they prove it time and time again….

I still have love for Lohan and her addictions but mainly I just love her tits….but sometimes you gotta give the ass a little love…cuz otherwise it develops a complex, gets insecure and starts doing heroin and experiments with disgusting women in a self sabotage that makes her harder to jerk off to…

Here is her ass smoking like all addicts…

Posted in:Lindsay Lohan




Lindsay Lohan’s Amazing Tits of the Day

I think I need to be sent to fake rehab for my addiction to Lohan’s tits. She has the best fucking implants known to man and I know they pretend these are real, but their fullness and perfection is something only a lot of money can fucking buy and despite hating implants for the most part, these motherfuckers have me ready to put on my diaper and pretend I’m a hungry baby in need of being fed…cuz all bitches instinctively want to nurse a motherless child to health, even the self absorbed dykes…at least I am hoping…

To See The Rest of the Pics Follow This Link

Posted in:Lindsay Lohan




Lindsay Lohan’s Ass in Denim of the Day

Rehab bores me but not as much as people who say “Rehab is for Quitters”. I saw that tee shirt a decade ago and you don’t have to keep bringing it up, it’s played out, it’s lived it’s life, and let’s focus on the good things that come out of rehab and that’s Lohan’s ass….

I have a feeling that Lohan was high the entire time she was faking being in rehab, if she wasn’t, I think she would have killed herself, because girls like this are serious pains in the ass for everyone who has to deal with them when these spoiled cunts don’t get what they want…

They are the worst kind of people, they are not decent people especially when they don’t get their drugs, while in lockdown while all their fake friends are out at the glamourous events they should be at….

I just like looking at Lohan’s ass from the comfort of my own shit stained couch cuz I know so many cocks have been in it over the years and at this angle I don’t have to smell the stale semen, disease and leftovers from her abortion (s).

I wish I wasn’t lazy and sent her a get well soon card while I knew where to find her. It coulda made for good content, but instead, here are some pics.

Posted in:Lindsay Lohan




Lindsay Lohan Topless in Max of the Day

As irritating as Lohan and all her bullshit drug addiction drama is and as strategic as I think the whole thing is to revamp her image and get her back on track to win that Oscar and as uninterested in her career and “talent” as I am, I will always have a soft spot for Lohan. She’s been someone I’ve posted on since the beginning. She is someone I hung out with once and she’s got amazing tits.

So when I see her topless in Max, I feel like she can’t do anything wrong. I am sucked in and approve of whatever the fuck is going on cuz topless Lohan is all the world really needs and don’t forget it as you forget about her during her hard times cuz celebrities don’t deserve sympathy….and remain the tools who sold their souls for fame and fortune for us to get excited about when they hit rock bottom, cuz our lives are shittier than theirs and we’re bitter….except when mesmerized by Lohan did.

In the event you didn’t know. I am fucking drunk. In the even you didn’t know. These pictures are hot…like worthy of jerking off to hot and now we wait for her to make her real comeback…it may take a while people…maybe you should actually wait for it…but instead acknowledge when it comes as being something you expected…what the fuck am I talking about….I am confused by these pictures cuz I love them but can’t help but wonder how many guys named Max before this Max experienced her tits during her slutty non-lesbian years recovering from Wilmer’s fucking up young pussy while fucking young pussy hustle…not that we care.

Long live Lohan’s tits.

Posted in:Lindsay Lohan




Lindsay Lohan in Pantyhouse for Old Times of the Day

Lohan was wearing pantyhose and if you’re like me and are down with pantyhose cuz it reminds you of watching your foster mom change in the 80s, then you’ll probably like this. There’s just something magical about the darker toned upper portion of a pantyho’ especially when the panty is on a ho, not that Lohan is actually a prostitute by choice, it’s more of a born and bred into being one by her opportunistic parents, cuz mortgages suck and when you have a handful of kids, losing one to the temptations of success at a young age fueled by ego and emotional emptiness of having no love in her life, knowing you were just a pawn in a grand scheme to give her family a better life, but too self absorbed to care about the greater good of what she did for them, like the ability for them to wear designer clothes…and live in a really big house and not have to actually work…

Either way, I think she’s out of rehab by now, I figure she’s still addicted to drugs, I still love her tit and I don’t know or care about when these pictures are from, I’m just gonna post them anyway.

Posted in:Lindsay Lohan




Lohan’s Heroin Scandal Pictures of the Day

Here are some pictures that are supposed to be of Lindsay Lohan shooting heroin. I am not a detective and I can’t really tell if this is actually a picture of her, but it looks good enough for me, and really I am not all that surprised shit would go this route, because let’s face it, Heroin is a designer drug, I’ve known many people into it over the years, it’s pretty fucking expensive and that’s why rich people do it. I’ve had to drag people out of my shitty apartments after ODing on the shit and I know I’d never touch it, but I’m not shocked other people do, cuz apparently it’s better than an orgasm, and when you’re broken the fuck down, sometimes that’s all you need.

Now I just think that this whole Lohan thing is an act. She’s in Hollywood….the city of lies. It’s easy to book a fake judge and dress him like a judge. It’s easy to book a real courtroom. It’s easy to manipulate the media and everyone to go along with the rock bottom story, because I’ll tell you I know ppl with DUIs and they lost their licenses….they didn’t get put on SCRAM bracelets, serve time, or get released with an unsuspended license, only to get caught for violating parole and put back on a SCRAM bracelet…Shit stinks of bullshit…and I think it’s just a scheme to get her that Oscar….

Never believe anything you see…she’s probably just playing with someone’s diabetes meds or something…I call serious bullshit on this…


Posted in:Lindsay Lohan




Lindsay Lohan is Back in Jail of the Day

So Lohan failed 2 drug tests while on probation, because she’s an addict, or what I like to call a broken soul who was exploited by her parents and eaten up and spat out by the Hollywood industry, giving her too much money and relevance before becoming a total joke everyone pointed and laughed at, proving yet again, that celebrity is not for the weak of heart, or more importantly, not for attention whore idiots who do the public route, while it is just as easy to to the Brittany Murphey route….addict no one even bothers with…

Now I don’t know if this is all an act, I think it is staged, a campaign to get her noticed and to help her win an Oscar, I am convinced this is all paid for by her people, to get her attention, make people feel for her, cry for her and that will help her make a comeback, but I am a conspiracy theorist and don’t think celebrities can really do time, but apparently Lohan’s back in Jail and I can only assume it is done on purpose because she fell in love there and wants to be back in her big hispanic prison wife’s arms…and who really gives a fuck…

Lohan is alright, but she’s a sociopath, self involved cunt. I spent a night with her a couple of years ago after she insisted and I couldn’t turn down the offer, cuz it involved free booze and being in Lohan’s hotel room. Everything she said was a fucking lie. She cried about Sam Ronson, she locked herself in her bedroom for an hour with her cunt friend, offered to send my site exclusives, she offered to buy me food, I drank a bottle of Grey Goose, she danced to her new album that never was released in high heels and pajama pants, her tits were as amazing in the tank top as you’d expect, we hugged it out before I left, she never fuckin’ pulled through on her end of the deal….changing her phone number, stopping following me on twitter, ignoring my facebook messages, getting Sam Ronson and and her gang of rejects to block me on twitter, so it’s nice to see her getting what she deserves…not that you care about this high school level of drama….

She’s in custody with no bail, I say lock her up and throw away the key, this is just the beginning of her using up State resources, unless of course she kills herself, which is an obvious option that I’d rather she hold out on, cuz I enjoy watching her tits in various states of distress and undress.

Posted in:Lindsay Lohan




Lindsay Lohan’s Tits are Alright of the Day

I woke up to some gossip that I twittered about Lohan wanting to get pregnant to force her to sober up and escape the party life…

I know it is some kind of PR bullshit being fed to the media, but it made me laugh because that kind of logic is what so many crackheads I know used in their family planning, making for a lot of future pornstars, broken and destroyed by a horribly upbringing.

It’s up there with people having kids to get government money, cuz welfare has a program that pays you more depending on the number of kids you have, or the same logic Alba used, which was to save a failed relationship.

All pretty sick, self-serving, borderline insanity…but the good news is that she’s got hot tits…

Posted in:Lindsay Lohan




Lohan’s Tit in Machete Shitty Quality Bootleg Styles of the Day

Some perverted friend of mine went to see Machete, and called me 4 times to tell me how you see Lohan’s amazing tit and some Alba strategic nudity, so I figured it was just a matter of time before some virgin loser with a lot of time on his hand and an iphone and a love for celebrity tit went to the movie a few times to capture the perfect split second you see nipple.

I have looked at these pictures, and I am still not sure what is going on in them….but apparently you can see Lohan’s tit with nipple and sometimes that is good enough for me…even if this is some bootleg style piracy where a motherfucker on his iphone needed this as a souvenir of her comeback by bringing it home to jerk off to…because you can’t jerk off in the theater….it’s illegal….at least that’s what my friend learned when he was caught in the backrow at “Stick It”

We all know Lohan has awesome tits, some of us know better than others. She is not afraid to hide the perfection and I’m not scared to look…unfortunately, this isn’t really good enough quality for me to be satisfied, I can’t jerk off to scrambled porn anymore and I’ll have to see the actual movie, which is buying into the bullshit I didn’t want to buy into, but tits, especially nice starlet tit, have that effect on me…

Point of this post…the world needs better pirates.

Posted in:Lindsay Lohan