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Archive for the Hannah Elyse Category




Hannah Elyse Fashion Tits for Numero of the Day


I don’t know who Hannah Elyse is – where she’s from – but I know she’s a fashion model who does runway shows and pulls her model tits out for Numero – because tits are fashion especially in this feminist era of loud girls who don’t realize the feminist fight has been won – but instead feel pulling out their tits – something men used to have to pay for – for free – is going to pave the future for the children of tomorrow.

That’s not to say that fashion hasn’t been posting and taking pictures of tits for the entire existence of the industry – because they have – they are as perverted as pornographers – just smarter because they attach a cause, purpose or reason for it – like an artistic mission – when ultimately – we get to see Hannah Elyse and her tits…and that’s all the basic, simple, mechanic, blue collar AMERICAN really cares about…

So while Hannah Elyse is probably a pretentious cunt who walks around with her nose in the air because she’s high fashion and not mall brand fashion – or maybe she’s from the hipster school of – models because it means she doesn’t work…but none of that matters because we got them tit for fashion which is really just TITS for the people…pretending to be tits for fashion…

I’m sure I’ve said that before about other tits for fashion – which are still just tits because there hasn’t been a tit I didn’t want to see even if I didn’t like it – because the funny thing about tits is that they speak to our souls and biological needs as humans – and I want to collect all of them – even Hannah Elyse who I’ve never heard of before today..

Posted in:Hannah Elyse