I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Jennifer Podemski Category




Sarah Silverman and Other Ugly Chicks Full Frontal Nudity in Take This Waltz of the Day

Seeing Sarah Silverman naked is one of the most unfortunate things that has happend to this site…possibly the most unfortunate things to have happened to the internet…

You see one thing I hate is when ugly chicks are celebrated as hot, Sarah Silverman, being ugly, yet she was always on hot lists….at firt I wondered if I was the only one who saw a fat, shitty tit, ugly horse face cunt who isn’t even funny, but who is obvious….past her prime….and even her prime wasn’t prime in the grand scheme of things…just better than now…..even though now is the time she decided to get naked….what a mess…a mess her fans are hard about….horrible….

Michelle Williams and Jennifer Podemski are also naked in this movie….What kind of man hating lesbian who appreciates girls for their personalities cast this shit….

Here are the unfortunate clip:

This just doesn’t make sense….and I can’t un-see it….but the good news is I like seeing all girls naked….even ones I fear…

Here are the other 2 clips I’ve got….

Posted in:Jennifer Podemski|Michelle Williams|Sarah Silverman