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Archive for the LOLZ Category




Masturbating Monkey of the Day

Some people say when on a shitty vacation, while drunk, and all alone, the best thing to do is to spank the monkey, but in this Nicaragua hotel, for an extra fee, the Monkey spanks you.

This was sent to me via some girl sharing a room with the dude in the picture, who I am sure will be happy I am sharing his hand job from a monkey, that he paid for, picture with the world…

I smell lawsuit, but let’s hope it goes viral first…because anyone who pays to get a hand job from monkey, should be outted to the world….it’s the most ridiculous pic I have been sent to date.

Posted in:LOLZ




The Weirdest Guy on Twitter of the Day

So I found this guy named Steve Dawson on twitter.

I assume he’s a meme, or something in the UK, because he has a bunch of followers.

Here is what he had to say about himself:

My name is Steven D, I am 41years old, I live on my own in a Flat in Ashford Kent, I have got a girlfriend called Lisa Davis, who i am going out with

His pictures are fucking ridiculous. He is obviously retarded in some way. He post pics of cam girls he’s watching, his disgusting food, and his doing weirdness..he needs to viral…

Posted in:LOLZ




Best Sochi Olympic Fail to Date of the Day

Pretty obvious reason why this Fail is the Win….of the Sochi Olympic fails…even better than the double toilet, and the Olympic ring not going off…not just because I am from Canada…but because I love anal…Turn that frown upside down girl…no wait part of what I like about anal is how little the girl enjoys it…

Posted in:LOLZ




Weather Channel Fail of the Day

I think the biggest fail in recent years is that the Weather Channel and their league of Meteorologists have tried to sensationalize their jobs by like they were working for Hard Copy or some other tabloid show…by naming winter storms like they were hurricanes that needed to be tracked, I guess because when you’re a weather man…all you have going for you, besides fucking the weather woman behind the green screen map, is tracking the storm from your shitty office at your shitty low level local news channel studio…dreaming of the day you become Al Roker…

I mean that was the biggest fail, until they named a winter storm Janus, and had a dude stand in front of the “J”…


Posted in:LOLZ




Best Selfie of the Day

This makes me laugh…some dude was on a bridge about to Jump and some chick took a selfie with him…it’s the best selfie ever and I would have done the same fucking thing because this is a me mentality world we live in…always producing content for our social media…and more importantly, who gives a fuck about some suicidal asshole…it’s not like she can get up there and save him, so she might as well seize the fucking moment and end up on the cover of the newspaper…this is selfie was the biggest thing ever for her and I think I’m in love..

Posted in:LOLZ




TipsForJesus is Pretty Ridiculous of the Day

I guess the Catholic church is up to some kind of PR Stunt, you know trying to take away the fact that they are pedophiles, but rather put focus on good, if giving some random waiter 10,000 dollars for his cocaine addiction is really doing good…

You know, let Santa be the pedophile for a change, and anonymous acts of kindness for the lord and saviour take some of the heat…

Sure this could just be some kind of prank, but there’s an instagram floating around called TipsForJesus and it made me laugh, because looking at the receipts, I can’t help but wonder why whoever this holier than thou 10,000 dollar tipper is rocking’ out a 6,000 dollar bill before the tip at some Chicago restaurant in the first place…seems pretty excessive…like maybe there’s some serious drinking involved…and dude has money to throw around…

Either way…it’s gone viral..because it’ a good heart warming story to idiots everywhere….


Posted in:LOLZ|SFW




The Single Best Vine in the History of Vine of the Day

With all the celebrity death, useless gossip and news, we always lose sight of what is important, especially this holiday season, and that is midget strippers on Vine flying through the air…only to fail…because failure is a state of mind…and as far as I’m concerned…she’s fucking won…

I love all this has to offer…

Posted in:LOLZ




Cats in Tights of the Day

This is probably the most insane thing I have seen today…which isn’t really saying much because I just woke up…but it is saying something because I am so desensitized to think anything is insane means it is really fucking weird…and putting your cats in tights..especially if you are a dude and going out and buying the tights…seems on some level kinda sexual in a horrible way…and on all levels creepy as fuck…but I am pretty happy it happened because it’s ridiculous looking…


Posted in:LOLZ|SFW




Girls Posing in Selfies at Funerals of the Day

This is a fucking genius concept – at least for a minute and if the pictures were better – but I still got a kick out of the SELFIES AT A FUNERAL tumblr, because what better place to take a selfie than at someone’s last stop before the dirt…

Sure I am a little less into PG shit, and ever since my mom died, I haven’t been overly sensitive about death and think it’s funny to mock it, so I’d be more into seeing people pranking the corpse, it’s like the street art of funeral parlours…but I think it may be illegal..

That said, here’s the best selfies at funerals these people could find on Instagram, I am sure if I looked it up, there would be more and they would be better…


Posted in:LOLZ




“Offensive” Costume of the Day

I think Halloween is the one day of the year that we shouldn’t have to worry about being politically correct…in fact I think we shouldn’t have to worry about being politically correct ever and this whole Cyber Bully generation pisses me off, where we can’t fail kids in school, we can’t call people fat, people like Lena Dunham end up naked on TV and society falls as a whole…it’s just not human nature…but seriously…Halloween…leave that shit alone the whole point of it is for us to have a little “OMG, you’re crazy, that’s a crazy costume” moment…it brings joy..and joy is something we all need whether dressed in Blackface, or look racist in your Indian or Mexican costume, or offend the world being a gay basher, or Dr Drew’s prostate, or Miley’s used tampon, or a miscarriage…or this Boston Marathon victim…at least some thought went into the shit…and some emotion comes out of the shit…rather than every asshole dressed like cookie cutter generic shit that is politically correct…so tonight stand up for your right to be the asshole you are deep within the depths of your soul..mock death, mock midgets, mock other races…do it all and have fucking fun doing it…the only thing I ask is that fat chicks stay out of tight clothing…that shit is never ok…is always offensive…everyday of the year…and not in a good way…I don’t dress in costume, that’s for gays on Broadway, but I do appreciate people who do…not to mention my whole internet life is in a mask so maybe I’m a gay on Broadway…who knows…

Posted in:LOLZ