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Archive for the Marta Placzek Category




Marta Placzek Big Polish Tits of the Day

Marta Placzek is some model, who is apparently Polish, which I assume means she’s got a circus bear that balances on a ball in her basement, assuming she’s got a basement, unless she’s what you’d want from a hot Polish girl, and that’s poor and with no basement thanks to living in a cold water flat, one room for her family of 12…where they eat beets and cabbage waiting for the Nazi’s to lose….so that they can get back to living….

Because the second these poor hot chicks get a taste of the life of luxury, that first 5 star hotel with a rich guy, you know the kind of hotel that has a Rolls Royce pick you up at the airport…it’s fucking over…

It may not quite be over for this one – as she’s got next to no followers on social medai…but it’s magical enough to me…thanks to her perky lookin’ tit.

Posted in:Marta Placzek